All For Literacy

The All for Literacy podcast connects you with established and emerging voices in the national literacy conversation to map a path forward informed by the science of reading. Through monthly podcasts, hosted by Lexia’s Chief Learning Officer Dr Liz Brooke, this series forges connections between literacy research and educators’ knowledge and skills. This is a conversation that will have a real impact on teachers and students, with actionable information and research designed to support our goal of literacy for everyone. All for Literacy brings together researchers, educators, and experts to elevate literacy in America and create real equity in the classroom.

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22 hours ago

As the crucially important ideas of the science of reading spread, a shift of focus to sustainable implementation will ensure evidence-backed instruction continues to change the literacy landscape. Implementation relies on the mutually beneficial relationship between educators and researchers to work effectively and sustainably. 
In Season 4, Episode 3, of the All For Literacy podcast, host Dr Liz Brook shares part 1 of her sit down with Margaret Goldberg and Dr. Elsa Cárdenas-Hagan for an insightful conversation about research access for educators. Goldberg, a literacy coach and co-founder of The Right to Read Project, brings an educator’s viewpoint, while Cardenas-Hagan pulls back the curtain on the world of research. 
Together, this episode’s guests explore:
Effective partnerships between schools and researchers
Best practices for research dissemination
Evidence-based practices for emergent bilinguals
Integrating repetition and feedback into day-to-day classroom activities
Walk away from this episode with a thoughtful look into the ever-changing landscape of the science of reading, and subscribe to never miss an important literacy discussion!

Tuesday Feb 11, 2025

In Season 4, Episode 2, Dr. Truckenmiller joins All For Literacy host Dr. Liz Brooke for an in-depth conversation about implementing research-backed literacy practices sustainably in real-world classroom settings. 
Dr. Truckenmiller currently collaborates with school districts to improve decision-making based on writing and reading assessment within the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support framework, ensuring all students receive equitable access to evidence-based instruction, according to their strengths and needs. She shares her expertise in applying the science of reading with listeners, including actionable information about: 
Appropriately using assessment to select appropriate and specific interventions
Reframing assessments to better serve all students
Using subskill analysis to better approach instructional targets
Cohesively connecting reading and writing instruction 
For links to resources referenced in the episode, visit
About Adrea Truckenmiller
Dr. Adrea Truckenmiller serves as an associate professor at Michigan State University, where she conducts research in the special education and school psychology programs. She is also the co-developer of the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) master’s degree program and currently collaborates with school districts to improve decision-making based on writing and reading assessment within the MTSS framework.

Tuesday Jan 07, 2025

The best intervention is prevention, explains Casey Sullivan Taylor, policy director for early literacy for ExcelinEd. This education resource aims to ensure the success of every student through student-centered, state-based policy solutions.
The former reading teacher, interventionist, and literacy coach joins All For Literacy host Dr. Liz Brooke for an in-depth exploration into how literacy policy trickles down into district changes, professional development programs, and classroom activities with one ultimate goal—driving student success.
Gain an open-door look into how leaders in states like Mississippi and North Carolina have used policy and implementation to turn around literacy rates and support student learning at all levels and understand the keys to success for creating change through state-directed guidance. 
Episode Breakdown
(00:52) - How Sullivan Taylor became involved in education
(04:29) - The Mississippi Marathon: Driving literacy change in Mississippi
(07:38) - Applying Mississippi Lessons in North Carolina
(10:20) - How state size and population affect policy implementation
(13:40) - Empowering districts with top-down policy 
(17:12) - Resources for assessing policy status
(18:56) - Resources for educators and parents to encourage literacy success
(24:45) - Assessing teacher application of knowledge
(27:20) - Trends in literacy policy and literacy in general
(30:15) - Origins of the spotlight on literacy in this country
(33:20) - The criticality of policy
(39:50) - What makes Sullivan Taylor hopeful for the future of literacy
Join our community of listeners & explore mentioned resources on  All For Literacy today!

Tuesday Dec 10, 2024

In this podcast episode, host Dr. Liz Brooke journeys through season three of All For Literacy, recapping insight and common threads as discussed with key industry voices. 
Brooke shares highlights from discussions with Dr. Julie Washington, Dr Linnea Ehri, Dr. Katie Pace Miles, advocate Debbie Meyer, and other valued guests while providing insight on the trending literacy themes of 2024. 
This episode covers the shift from reading wars to reading revolution, the education of displaced students, the foundations of othrographic mapping, the intersection of community and literacy and more! 
Explore show notes, all the mentioned resources and episode time stamps on the All For Literacy website.

Tuesday Nov 19, 2024

“When we were growing up, having good grades wasn't cool. What we're trying to do is make it cool today,” says David Wyatt about his commitment to driving educational change through his work with the South Carolina Football Hall of Fame and the South Carolina Top 10 by 2030 initiative.
A seasoned attorney, advisor, and community leader in South Carolina, Wyatt joins All For Literacy host Dr. Liz Brooke for Season 3, Episode 5, which was recorded live during The Reading League 2024 Conference. Wyatt and Brooke discuss empowering youth, making learning cool, and how educators can partner with community organizations to make change happen in their classrooms and districts. 
Wyatt shares how he’s used the powerful influence of sports in his community to increase educational excellence and career readiness among students in his home state: 
Find and partner with community organizations to support student success
Bring in influential mentors to inspire students to love learning 
Cut through the noise and motivate students to commit to their education

Tuesday Oct 22, 2024

What steps should concerned parents take if they suspect their child is facing literacy struggles?
Meyer shares the strategies she has learned during her own advocacy journey, including:
The top five questions parents should ask at school
The surprising reasons students struggle to read
Outside-of-the-box solutions to improve literacy skills
How to be an effective advocate
Listen to Season 3, Episode 4, of All For Literacy and become empowered to create the change students and educators need to improve literacy rates, and subscribe to the podcast to never miss an episode. 
See the episode breakdown & all mentioned links at All For Literacy today!

Tuesday Oct 01, 2024

What is Alphabetic Phase Theory, and how can it help students develop their literacy skills?
Tune into Season 3, Episode 3 of All For Literacy for the answer as host Dr. Liz Brooke is joined by literacy research powerhouses Dr. Linnea Ehri and Dr. Katie Pace Miles. A distinguished professor emeritus at City University of New York, Dr. Ehri focused her research on the reading acquisition process. Dr. Miles, who earned her doctorate while studying with Dr. Ehri as a teacher, shares her expertise in continuing the implementation and application of Alphabetic Phase Theory.
Drs. Ehri and Miles share which foundational skills are most critical when learning to read, helping educators focus their classroom activities to support literacy studies. The pair also covers the research behind these skills in an easy-to-digest way, what questions to ask during an assessment to understand a student’s alphabetic knowledge, and the appropriate subsequent interventions. 
Get an inside look into orthographic mapping—what it is and how to translate the research into practical classroom activities; evidence-backed interventions; and actionable advice to use the science of reading to enrich the lives of their students.

Tuesday Sep 03, 2024

An English learners coordinator at DeKalb County School District in Georgia, Bass joined All For Literacy host Dr. Liz Brooke for Season 3, Episode 2. After working with refugees through various nonprofits and AmeriCorps, Bass earned her Masters of Arts in Teaching and has dedicated her career to supporting this population as they learn English. 
Gain actionable insight into how to:
Build a sense of connection across a range of diverse backgrounds, and why this connection supports student success
Use content knowledge and background knowledge to increase student learning
Include content-area teachers in literacy programs 
Honor students’ first languages and leverage what they already know
Engage specifically with the parent population 
Identify useful resources
Listen to Season 3, Episode 2 today to gain a better understanding of how to approach language and literacy in multilingual and multicultural classrooms.
Join our community of listeners on All For Literacy today for exclusive resources!

Tuesday Aug 06, 2024

Host Dr. Liz Brooke and Washington kick off the new season of the All For Literacy podcast with a thought-provoking conversation about language variation and literacy rates. A professor in the School of Education at the University of California – Irvine, Washington shares her expertise about how dialect variation and density, code-switching, and translanguaging play into literacy assessment and success. 
Learn ways to help students boost their literacy success through:
Using the full spectrum of their language skills
Adjusting mindset and prior expectations
Boosting comfort levels in the classroom
Adding dialect into teaching
Washington and Brooke also present a fascinating look into the syntax behind the reading wars, and whether or not “the reading revolution” is a more accurate label. Listeners will better understand how initial terminology can influence a society’s approach to solving or interacting with a concept. 
Dr. Brooke kicks off the latest season of All For Literacy, and walk away with an in-depth look into how dialect and language interplay with literacy acquisition in the classroom. And as a bonus, use this related infographic to start a conversation within your learning community. 
Episode Breakdown
(00:30) – What sparked Washington’s interest in literacy
(03:16) – How she sees her work translating into the classroom
(06:50) – Dialect vs. language variation
(10:03) – Relationship between code switching and translanguaging
(12:43) – Encouraging students to use their full spectrum of skills
(16:00) – Why students need to understand the purpose of the lesson
(21:00) – How language variation affects assessments
(27:10) – The reading revolution
(42:51) – What makes Washington hopeful for the future of literacy and language

Tuesday Jun 18, 2024

As Season 2 of All For Literacy® comes to a close, host Dr. Liz Brooke dives into the challenges and opportunities currently being explored by educators across the country. Featuring insightful clips from discussions with prominent educators, this episode drives home many of the ideas mentioned throughout this season. 
Empowering teachers through professional development, evidence-backed resources, and accessible data is an important step in implementing the science of reading
The science of reading highlights the importance of teaching and connecting a multitude of skills
Dr. Sharon Vaughn identified the crucial importance of including literacy practice and intervention throughout a student’s day
Natalie Wexler emphasizes creating in-school assessments that honor all students and their access to content knowledge
A deep understanding of current challenges and opportunities is required to take action and increase student literacy success. Tune in for the final episode of Season 2 to better understand the current issues at the forefront of educators' minds.

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